Information For Authors

Real open access 

The International Journal of Wellbeing does not charge any fees to authors or readers. We are a diamond open access publication run by a charitable trust for the sole purpose of facilitating high quality research on wellbeing.



The International Journal of Wellbeing welcomes timely original high-quality scholarly articles of appropriate length on the topic of wellbeing, broadly construed. Although focused on original ideas, the International Journal of Wellbeing also publishes competent and timely review articles and critical notices. Book reviews are at the request of the editors only.



We encourage submissions that are genuinely interdisciplinary (i.e. that draw on research from more than one discipline and will be of value to wellbeing researchers from more than one discipline), but we will also consider wellbeing research that is uni-disciplinary if it is of exceptional quality (as a guideline, studies incorporating aspects of these elements decrease the chance of being judged ‘exceptional’ – student samples, small samples, WEIRD samples, presenting only basic analysis (e.g., correlations), insufficient justification (e.g., a new measure of an aspect of wellbeing without the justification of need for such a measure to be created), or poorly written (e.g., writing is not concise, general writing standard is not fit to send to reviewers). In addition, the editor may judge that the submission is not of great interest to the broad and large readership of the IJW (e.g., the submission is focused specially in a niece area) and may recommend a different field or journal. Uni-disciplinary submissions should be from within the disciplines of philosophy, psychology, or economics.


AI statement

Please declare and fully describe any use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in any aspects of your research in your submission to the IJW. Please note this before the reference section

Why submit to the International Journal of Wellbeing?

Assuming that you have research matching the scope of the IJW, why should you submit your research here and not in other journals on wellbeing? The IJW is the right choice for your research because we provide all of our content completely free, without delay, and without any author fees.

  • Since the IJW is fully open access, it reaches a larger audience. In 2022 full texts of our articles were viewed 154,437 times from nearly every nation on Earth.
  • Since the IJW is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in scope, it will be followed by a broader range of researchers.
  • Articles in the IJW get cited at high rates. 2023 official impact rates for 2023 are: Scopus CiteScore = 6.7; SJR = 1.026; SNIP 1.290. Our own analysis reveals an average of 76 citations per article from the 210 articles we have published in the period 2011-2022.
  • Support the REAL open access revolution that cuts out the big publishers!