The importance of child wellbeing




wellbeing, child wellbeing, children wellbeing, wellbeing policy


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Author Biography

Susannah R. Stevens, University of Canterbury

Dr Susannah STEVENS (Susie)

PhD, MEd, BEd, GradDipTchLn.

Lead subject advisor Physical Education New Zealand (PENZ) | Te Ao Kori Aotearoa

FLV Oceanic representative for The Foundation of Global Community Health (GCH)

Project manager UC Child Well-being Research Institute

College of Education, Health and Human Development | Te Rāngai Ako me te Hauora

University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, New Zealand | Aotearoa


Dr Susannah STEVENS (Susie) is the project manager for the University of Canterbury Child Well-being Research Institute. She is also the national educational subject advisor for Physical Education New Zealand (PENZ) where she advises on the health and physical education curriculum at both a practitioner and ministerial level. Her areas of expertise are child well-being, holistic development, movement pleasure, Physical and Olympic Education. 

Susie’s Master of Education studied the educative value of sport; and her PhD in Health Sciences focused on the importance of movement pleasure and well-being in secondary school physical education. Her work to date, has earned her an International Olympic Literary Prize, First Class Honours, and a prestigious UC Doctoral Scholarship. She represents the New Zealand Centre for Olympic Studies (NZCOS) and was recently appointed to represent New Zealand and Oceania on The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH); a network of international advisors who are centred on the advocacy and attainment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in education and health. Susie has a zest for life, and both her work and home life reflect this. She has two young sons and actively looks for opportunities to model to them what wellbeing looks like.


